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✨ Your Guardian Angel wants you to know this!


 Hello beautiful soul,

Recently someone told me that they were afraid of their Guardian Angel, and scared to connect to them.

This can actually be quite a common fear, as for many it’s the land of the unknown and some Angel personalities aren’t as “pink and fluffy” as others!

Take archangel Metatron for example … when I first learned his name, it reminded me of “The Terminator” and I did think twice about whether I really wanted to speak to him.

Of course, the worries I had were all in my mind and he is actually a very caring and gifted Healer, who now helps me in my Angel Courses!

Archangel Metatron’s energy is very different from say Archangel Jophiel’s, as an example.

Archangel Metatron has a presence of stillness, space holding, Divine Masculine and shows up to do the work. While Archangel Jophiel has a very nurturing, feminine presence and makes light of things, reminding us not to take life too seriously!

Each Angel, whether they are a Guardian Angel or Archangel, has a different frequency and personality, just like we humans all do.

However, they are extremely evolved, have a very pure level of consciousness and are completely non-judgemental … No matter how many times they witness us repeat the same mistake 😉

Your Soul and your Guardian Angel decided before you incarnated this lifetime that you’d be part of a team. You were good friends before incarnating!

The idea being that your Guardian Angel would be the team player in the Ether and you would be the “Ground Team Member” on Earth.

Your Guardian Angel agreed to:

  • Look over you
  • Keep you from accidentally ‘leaving before your time’
  • Steer you in the right direction toward the main learning ‘goal posts’ you had set yourself this lifetime. 

Your Guardian Angel has vast amounts of love for you that is truly unconditional and only has the best intentions for you. No matter what you go to them with, they will not judge you, but instead wrap you in their love.

If you had any fears before, I hope this has helped you to let them go.

… because to me, it would be such a shame to allow those fears to close a door on something that is truly beautiful.

To call on your Guardian Angel … You can gently close your eyes, take a few relaxing breaths, bring your awareness to your heart and sincerely invite your Guardian Angel to connect with you during the quiet moments of your day. Breathe, relax, receive!

With so much love,

P.S. This topic of conversation inspired me to host a workshop to guide you to “Meet your Guardian Angel”  and connect to their presence.

This 1h workshop will be hosted on Sun 16th May at 6pm BST inside of my membership, which at the moment I’m offering a free 30 day trial to. You can sign up here and join me live! (or catch the replay!)