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🌟 Yeremaia's Prediction for 2020 🌟

Hello beautiful soul and Happy New Year! ✨

Now we have truly entered into the energy of 2020, a whole new decade where the energy is so supportive of bringing new ideas and projects to fruition, it is also now time for us to connect to our personal power and move forth from our hearts like peaceful warriors upon this earth.✨

We kicked of this new decade with a Revelations Channeling event here in the UK, where 80 beautiful souls came to join in on the good vibes! The theme was all about the energy of 2020 and what this new year & decade bring.

I’d like to share with you one of the main concepts Yeremaia spoke about with the group…

Yeremaia spoke about how in this next decade we will see a big rise in numbers of women in positions of power.  

Although we all have the divine masculine and divine feminine within, this movement is a physical representation of the Divine Feminine coming into balance in the world. 

The old structures (mostly patriarchal in nature) are breaking down and the younger generations (yet older souls), who signed up to bring forth positivity and harmony into the world are now stepping into those positions of power. 

The Divine Feminine is coming through to bring a wave of compassion and more of a heart centred energy in the world. Women from all walks of life will be called to step into their Personal Power and lead with their hearts, creating a positive, healing ripple effect in the collective energy field on Gaia.


As the Dalai Lama once said at a Peace Summit “ The world will be saved by the Western woman” … and we are beginning to see this taking place already.


 And you beautiful soul, are part of this shift too, no matter your gender. You have access to your beautiful heart energy, and can regularly come home to your heart and move forth in the world from this place of inner Harmony, which creates energy ripples out into the collective energy field and contributes to harmony on a much bigger scale.

You are more powerful than you know 💕

From my heart’ 💓to yours 💓Namaste 🙏



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Sending huge love to you,