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❤ Open your Heart Chakra with Archangel Raphael

Hello beautiful soul,

I felt inspired to share with you a Heart opening guided meditation with Archanel Raphael, to support you during these wild times.

Your heart energy is incredibly powerful!

When you meditate and connect to your heart, you drop into a relaxed and harmonious state of being. Your parasympathetic nervous system switches on and your body goes into a restorative state & comes into harmony. 

I invite you to join me & Archangel Raphael today for just 15 mins, to:

* Open your Heart Chakra
* Raise your Vibrational Frequency
* Send Heart Healing to yourself and out into the world at this time.


Enjoy the meditation and the loving energy from Archangel Raphael!

Want to take your journey with the Angels to the next level? Book a one-on-one with me or dive into the Spiritual Evolution Membership completely free for 30 days!

With so much love,