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💫 Let go of "The Money Story" Now!

Hello beautiful soul,

A topic that has been coming up for a lot of clients recently is the topic of Money.

I’d like to share with you a client’s story about how her work situation was affected by the beliefs she held about money. This might give you some insight about your money health too.

Let’s call my client Emilia

Emilia is a very bright and shiny person who has big plans for the world. She knows she is here with a Purpose and is right on track with things unfolding for her.

Yet she felt there was something holding her back….

It was obvious that there was something throwing a spanner in the works and pulling Emilia out of being at peace and centered. A state one needs to be in, in order to be able to listen to intuitive impulses and follow the signs The Universe offers, guiding one to their true calling.

and that spanner was her money beliefs!

We took a look into her belief systems and discovered a core limiting belief which was “I have to suffer in order to receive money”.

This was a belief that was heavily expressed in her family during her childhood!

As she was telling me eagerly about her plans for the future, I could feel she was aligned to her purpose and truth.


However, I could clearly see this limiting money blueprint in her energy field, suffocating her plans before they had even had a chance to blossom. There was an undercurrent of struggle and suffering….

This means that even though she had the purest intentions and was aligned with her truth, this pesky pattern would make the collaborations, support, funding, etc an unnecessarily difficult process.

We went in to clear this blueprint and undid the pattern, rewriting it to:
“Money comes to me easily & effortlessly” and  “I can be happy and enjoy my work”.

Once we cleared the pattern I could physically feel and see the weight of the energy she had been carrying about money leave her auric field. 

When she opened her eyes, I instantly noticed a physical change, her spirit vibrant, her energy was much lighter and she was just shining. Ready to go! 

Emilia was ready all along. She is very determined and makes courageous decisions to follow her truth…. but was just being weighed down by limiting beliefs.

With a heavy load off her shoulders, I know she will go far and has a very bright future ahead!

I feel like this is a very relevant story for a lot of change-makers. If you feel like you are here with a purpose or want to bring more light and love to the world. Don’t let limiting beliefs slow you down!

Aside from diving into your subconscious belief systems, here are some tips that you can put into action in your daily life to break through “the money story”.

What you can do:

1) The first thing that you can do in your daily life is to become mindful of these patterns and take your power back – notice how you talk to your self and others about money.

2) Stop telling the same limiting stories on “repeat”  and choose instead to rewrite your story to an empowering tale. 
Mindfulness here is key, this gives you choice, to either go into it or choose not to. If you’re going into a story & energy of scarcity, mindfulness allows you to stop. In doing so, you’ll stop feeding the story and can choose again. Choose to re-align your focus to what you want to experience instead.

3) What you focus on grows 
Every thought you have is an energy investment. Yeremaia says “Your awareness is your currency and what you focus on is your investment.”
Refocus your attention on what you would like to experience around money instead and choose to believe it’s possible. When you do this you are literally projecting your energy forwards into the quantum field into that potential, growing it and bringing it to fruition. Do this with unwavering focus and it must become manifest.

4) Trust. “Unwavering focus” this means, dissolving that inner voice of fear. Truly this is an important life lesson in and of its self. The more you are able to recognize the voice of fear and see it for what it is, an illusion, the freer you become to live in alignment with your truth. A wonderful by-product of that is that you are in flow with the Abundant nature of The Universe.

“The work” is really unlearning limiting patterns.
What you believe becomes your reality. You can choose to believe differently.

I hope this story has served you well and that you understand the light that is you 🌟



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With so much love,