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đź’« How to plug into a new reality

Hello beautiful soul,

Manifesting has been a topic that Yeremaia (my team of Angels and Guides) have been diving into and teaching my monthly members about for a couple of months now.

Today I was tuning into Yeremaia to see if there was anything they wanted to share about creating a new reality with you, and here’s their message for you today …

” Your power of creation lives in The Present moment.

Everything you are experiencing now is an old manifestation.  So it is right now, in this present moment that you are creating and drawing to you your future.

Much of this creative process comes down to where you allow for your consciousness to go. Each train of thought you have creates a possibility within the quantum field. Where you allow your consciousness to reside, builds energy and will create pathways for that reality to unfold.

If you can train yourself to regularly contemplate your ideal outcome (instead of focusing on what isn’t working) you are able to take your attention there, which takes your consciousness there, and thus invests your energy there, bringing that reality to life. Creating a bridge from where you are now to where you want to be.


The key can be found within your internal world. You want to line up your energy to what you are wanting to experience. This means shedding the layers that keep you plugged into the parts of your present reality you wish to transcend (worrying, fear, limiting beliefs).  It means expanding your mind map of reality and what is possible for you, by directing your consciousness to visit the new reality and experience it with all your senses, merge with the frequency of the freedom, love and joy it gives you.
(This is something you can practice with meditation.)

The true meaning of “act as if it’s already here” means within your internal reality, the way you think and your habitual way of feeling. This energy entrainment is what shifts your vibrational frequency to become an energy match to the reality you wish to experience.

It means a new way of high vibrational living now, which then blends the two timelines together.

There is so much more to say on this, but for now, we’ll leave you with this.

Blessings to you đź’•”

– Yeremaia


I hope you enjoyed this message and that it was helpful to you đź’›


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Sending love & light your way,