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😨 How to overcome disappointment fast

Hello beautiful soul,

This week someone asked me how to overcome disappointment and move on. I handed it over to Yeremaia to answer this question and here is what they said:

“ Disappointment comes about when you were hoping for one outcome yet you experienced something different.

Furthermore, you thought “that” particular experience was the key to leveraging a specific change in your life. Now that it’s gone a miss or not exactly how you wanted, you feel like you’ve lost “the chance” of experiencing “that change”.

You can put this concept into any storyline…

Whether it be a new job you were hoping for, which would make you happier and give you more financial freedom, yet you didn’t get it, or you did … and thought this would be it …. but you’re not as happy as you thought you would be.

… or for example with love, perhaps you’ve met someone, you go on a couple of dates, were hoping they would be “the soulmate you’ve been waiting for”, which would make you feel in love and in bliss, yet it wasn’t them.

Instead of becoming disappointed that it didn’t work out as you’d hoped, recognise that these are stepping stones The Universe is sending you!

Many of you might quite like the idea of having a remote control to your life, and would press fast forward and zoom right to your desired outcome… Yet you would be missing out on so much on the way there!

You expand, grow and learn through experience, especially when it comes to learning about yourself!

The experiences leading up to your desired outcome, serve as stepping stones, by helping you further understand what you truly want and what you really don’t. They help you gather information and help you evolve and reach that new level of being that you must embody in order to get to where you want to go – To become an energy match to it. 

For example, all the previous jobs you have been in, have served the purpose for you to learn new skills and to learn about yourself, and to come into the awareness of knowing what you do and don’t enjoy and what is and is not fulfilling to you. You would not know these things without the experience. 

Similarly in love, all your relationships, connections and dates serve to allow you to come into the awareness of what is important to you in a relationship and what the things you don’t want. They’ve helped you learn about yourself and others, there is no experience that is without value. 

The last person you dated and didn’t turn out to be “the one”, was not a wasted experience but in fact has helped you refine your vibrational frequency to the type of soul and relationship you wish to experience. 

Once you see every experience as a stepping stone and an opportunity to align you more and more to what you want, you release the contracting feelings and instead open up your energy, expand, evolve and grow into the person you need to become in order to to be a vibrational match to that very thing … bringing you close to that reality.

We look forward to speaking to you again soon” – Blessings, Yeremaia.

Much love to you, I hope you enjoyed this fresh perspective on disappointment.


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