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😴 Can Angels really visit in your Dreams?

Hello beautiful soul,

Today I’m going to share with you an Angel Experience a student of mine had whilst she was doing my 4 week online channeling course. It’s pretty amazing!

Liz was a complete beginner when it came to channeling, she hadn’t ever tried it before but was interested in Spirituality and Angels & wanted to build a relationship with them.

She was really enjoying the classes and making good progress. Then one day she e-mailed me to say that she’d had a really wonderful experience during the night.
Her Guardian Angel came to visit her in her sleep, appearing like a very very bright light. She immediately felt a strong and profound sense of love wash over her, to the point that it woke her up enough to be aware of it.

She felt this Angelic energy tangibly in her body, it wasn’t only a dream but instead, she was having an Angel experience in dream “state”.

Her Angel came to let her know she is so loved and supported on her journey.

She woke up feeling very “full” and felt her energy had changed, like she had absorbed this love somehow and it had helped her see things differently in her life.

She was very moved and grateful for such a sacred experience.

So why do our Angels and Guides choose to visit us in our dreams?

This is because it is easy for them to connect to you whilst your mind rests, there is no ‘noise’ to get through!

For some people, it can be easier for them to teach them things in dream state, like a new outlook or a solution to a problem. They can deliver messages and feelings of love directly to that deeper, wiser part of you. If you’re ready for it your Angels may well pop in to say hello! 

In Liz’s case her Angels visited to share that feeling of love, which would support her spiritual growth in just the right way.

If you are feeling ready to open up your communication channels to connect and build a relationship with your Angels and Guides, then stay tuned for the Learn to Channel Course enrollment!

* If you’re thinking “but I have such a busy mind” – don’t worry! I teach you a hypnosis technique to quiet your mind in less than 10 minutes!

Want to take your journey with the Angels to the next level? Book a one-on-one with me or dive into the Spiritual Evolution Membership completely free for 30 days!

With so much love,