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Activate your Solar Plexus chakra! - Personal Power 🙌

Hello beautiful Soul,

Recently one of my lovely Instagram followers asked me whether I could share some tips on Activating the Solar Plexus Chakra.

This is one of the chakras I most commonly see underactive in people I work with, along wth the Root Chakra. Today I’m going to share with you 3 ways to strengthen and Activate your Solar Plexus.

First things first, What does the Solar Plexus Chakra do?

This is the energy center in the belly, just above the navel. This chakra is connected to our sense of Personal Power, Self-Worth, Self Confidence, Trust our Will and ego-personality.

When it is balanced we embody the traits above and feel energised, strong, healthy, confident, motivated, purposeful with a healthy will, being able to assert ourselves.

When the Solar Plexus is underactive we can feel low self-esteem,  feel powerless, have self-doubt, have difficulty making decisions, find difficulty trusting and physical manifestation may suffer anxiety & digestive problems like IBS.

When overactive we can be judgemental, domineering, controlling & manipulative and misusing power over others to get what we want. Although we’re focusing on activating an underactive Solar Plexus Chakra, these 3 tips will also help bring balance to these energy centers if they’re overactive.

3 Ways to Activate the Solar Plexus Chakra

1) With Crystals and Essential oils.

Crystals function through their vibrational frequency and bring the chakra they support into balance through resonance with the crystal’s energy.

Tiger’s eye and Citrine are great crystals for activating the Solar Plexus to bring some extra fire to this energy centre. Yellow Calcite & amethyst are helpful if you are feeling anxious and bring a soothing sensation to this chakra. 

Essential oils, like crystals, function through frequency, as well as the medicinal properties of the plants getting absorbed through the bloodstream when placed on the body (always use a carrier oil).

Essential oils to activate the solar plexus are Sandalwood, Bergamot & Grapefruit, you can use lavender to soothe anxiety or nervousness. If you’d like to use essentials oils, you can put 1 or 2 drops of essential oil in a tbsp of carrier oil, like coconut oil and massage over the solar plexus area, just above the navel. See how this feels for you, everyone is different 

2) With Meditation & Energy Practice.

With the power of your mind you can move energy around your body and direct energy to your Solar plexus.
Here is a simple energy practise you can do for a few minutes each morning:

Close your eyes and bring you awareness to your belly, to your solar plexus. Place your hands here if you like:

1 – Visualise a beautiful ball of golden light at the centre of mother earth.

2 – Imagine breathing this pure, golden energy from the centre of the earth, all the way up through your body, your spine, into your Solar Plexus Chakra.

3- On the exhalation, you release this golden energy and let it fill your whole belly, focus on the golden energy filling your whole belly for a few moments and then repeat again.

You can do this practice for a few minutes each morning, if you enjoy it, try it for a week and see how you feel at the end.

This is a great way to stimulate your Solar Plexus chakra and direct Prana or Chi (life force energy) into this centre for balance and activation.

3) With Self Awareness of disempowering patterns.

We all have belief patterns both positive and negative, becoming aware of when a disempowering pattern gets triggered is extremely helpful, as we then have the ability to transform it.

For example, if you feel your solar plexus is underactive and have the pattern of self-doubt, try to notice when “self-doubt” switches on and gets loud.

No pattern or trait is switched on 100% of the time. When does that voice of self-doubt activate? Is it when it comes to making decisions, is it in your place of work where you might be surrounded by very confident people? Is it around certain people or situations?

Once you can easily become aware of when the pattern is active, you can begin to lessen it’s effect by switching to a state of observation.  Let yourself feel what you feel. Listen to the limiting stories you might be telling yourself without identifying with those stories or believing that they are true.

Being able to observe belief patterns without identifying with them is the first step to freeing yourself from them.


Want to take your journey with the Angels to the next level? Book a one-on-one with me or dive into the Spiritual Evolution Membership completely free for 30 days!

With so much love,