😯 Top 4 Channeling myths uncovered!
Hello beautiful soul,
When it comes to Channeling and thinking about Angels and your guides, perhaps you’ve heard of some of these common channeling myths, maybe you’ve even wondered about some of these yourself?
So let’s uncover some of the most common channeling myths I’ve heard over the last 7 years as a channeler! – And how the Learn to Channel course can help overcome them!
Myth #1Â –Â You have to be born with “The Gift”
It’s not just a lucky few that are born with the ability to channel, but we  ALL are! It’s actually one of the most natural things for us to do… but when we rely almost completely on our physical senses, we forget how to connect!
I’ve seen countless clients make a successful connection to the Divine Realms, and you can be next!Â
Myth #2 – Channeling takes a long time to achieve
– It certainly can but it really doesn’t have to. I’m excited to share with you all my tools, knowledge and experience that I have and hand it over to you.
Myth #3 – Once you open up your senses up, you won’t be able to turn it ”off”
You are in control of the connection and when you open up and when you close down your energy. There’s a quick and easy technique to ground and close your energy that I’ll show you how to do!
Myth #4 – Unfounded fear of connecting to a negative energy.
Channeling your Angels and Guides is lightwork.
You ALWAYS remain in control, as I will guide you to safely connect to your Angels and Guides in a way that is comfortable to you.
As a Reiki Teacher, the first thing I share with you is how to raise your frequency and invite Archangel Michael to overlook all of your channeling activities.
So those are the top #4 Channeling myths and unknowns explained!
Want to take your journey with the Angels to the next level? Book a one-on-one with me or dive into the Spiritual Evolution Membership completely free for 30 days!