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😇 6 Signs your Angels use to get your Attention!

Hello beautiful soul,

I’m writing to you today to remind you that you have your very own team of Angels and Guides, who are looking out for you all of the time!

They send you signs to let you know they’re around and that you are supported 💛

Have you noticed some of these telltale signs that your Angels and Guides are trying to get your attention?

* Number sequences that you see often 11:11, 444, 12:12, 222, 111, etc. 
These are signs of synchronicity and your Angels are letting you know that they’re around. If you see this just as you were having a thought, it can be an indication that what you were thinking is correct!

* Seeing Colours – energy or movement out of the corner of your eye. Sometimes this can also resemble light orbs floating around. The most common colours I’ve seen are blues and purples.

* Tingles when you meditate, hear truth or are thinking about your Angels. The tingles you’re picking up on is Divine energy. When your Angels are near you may feel tingles and a wave of Peace.

* Seeing feathers on your path – An easy symbol for them to leave on your path to bring you a sense of confirmation and peace.

* A clear intuitive feeling and answer about something, even though you don’t know how you know. Your Angels are clever and can drop ideas into place to help you.

* Divine Synchronicity – Something positive shows up that you’ve just been speaking or thinking about – Your Angels, along with The Universe are listening to you always! When there’s window of opportunity the goods are delivered!

These are some of the ways your Angels and Guides are letting you know they’re there & supporting you!

Doesn’t it make you feel all warm and fuzzy inside, reading this as confirmation and knowing that your Angels and Guides love and support you always?

I’m going to leave you with that warm & fuzzy feeling 🥰

Want to take your journey with the Angels to the next level? Book a one-on-one with me or dive into the Spiritual Evolution Membership completely free for 30 days!

With so much love,