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✨ 5 Steps to co-create with The Universe

Hello beautiful soul,

Just the other day I was speaking to my partner about co-creating with The Universe and having conversations with this Divine Intelligence, that is ultimately part of us.

He said to me he’d love to me to write a post on how I’d recommend going about it and how to avoid the main pitfalls when wanting to authentically connect, ask for Guidance and co-create.

So here we are!

Here I’ll share with you my top tips for co-creating with The Universe.

It is by having these frequent conversations, with Source as well as my team of Angels & Guides that I was guided to be aligned and meet my amazing partner, how my Life Purpose work kicked off and how I ended up working for myself, doing what I love.

– Sure there was also heaps of personal work, and growing into these things, that took place for them to come into fruition, but this is where it all began.


Follow these steps to get to the ball rolling with support from the Divine!

5 Steps to co-creating with The Universe (Source):

1) Get Connected – 
When opening a conversation with The Intelligence of The Universe, you want to be in the right zone. This means coming into your senses, moving your attention from busy mind and life and dropping into a meditative space of relaxation, interconnectedness, of oneness.

(If you need help tuning in, Here’s a free Angel meditation on Youtube which will help get you started!)

2) Becoming Aware –
Shift your attention from physical reality to something bigger. Know that Source energy is intelligent, is aware of you always and is surrounding you in the present moment. You are now shifting your attention to become aware “of it” and entering a new level of Awareness. Source is a Divine aspect of you.

3) Let yourself Feel 
– Allow yourself to fully feel the connection with Source presence, as if you’re submerging yourself into a beautiful warm pool of light. The Intelligence of The Universe is very loving, I actually call her “Mumma Universe”, to me she feels like a nurturing mother, who helps us, whilst supporting our independence (ie. Not doing everything for us, but guiding us to our next stage of development and growth).

4) Have a conversation
– Let the universe know your concerns, worries and dreams, pour your heart out. You can do this in a letter or simply by having a sincere conversation and then hand it over to her and let it go.
Really surrender it and see yourself offering it up to her Divine Wisdom.

You can state “I now choose to surrender my worries/dreams to you Mumma Universe,  guide me into aligning with my highest path of peace, love, joy and fulfillment. Thank you.”

You can also ask for her to show you what you need to see within yourself, in order to gain clarity and be empowered in this area of your life. Notice any sings, intuitive sensations, or ideas that suddenly come to you that offer you insight.

5) Don’t overthink it
– The Universe is intelligent and is part of you. She knows what you are wanting and asking for deep down.

Don’t worry too much about getting the exact wording or specifics perfect…
Truth is, the words are for your peace of mind. The Universe already knows. This process is actually for you … for you to be honest with yourself, with how you’re feeling, with what your heart is wanting deep down and for you to align, open, connect and receive.

The Universe is all-knowing, this potential already exists and she is waiting for you to become open and receptive.

Become aware of synchronicities  this is the magic, guidance and love Source is sending back to you. Follow them like stepping stones.


* * * * *

Co-creating with The Universe is an intimate and beautiful experience of deepening your connection to The Divine in your daily life, as well as opening the door to huge personal growth and self reflection.

Enjoy your sacred time re-connecting with Mumma Universe!


Want to take your journey with the Angels to the next level? Book a one-on-one with me or dive into the Spiritual Evolution Membership completely free for 30 days!


With so much love,