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🌊 3 Ways to find Calm amidst the Storm.

Hello beautiful soul,

The collective energy swooping the planet right now is much like a swirling stormy ocean.

Many of you who are sensitive might be feeling this collective energy or even just feeling a bit overloaded with your own emotions.

So today I wanted to share with you 3 ways to stay centred, clear and grounded during these times. – The Power is in your hands!

1) Take a Social Media Detox.

Limit time on Social Media ➣ The energy on social media at the moment is quite frantic. Unless you’re lucky and ALL your friends are Enlightened 😉

When you scroll through your facebook feed, your subconscious mind doesn’t skip a beat! It is picking up on the mass energy, which can contribute to feelings of anxiety and fear in your own body and mind.

Instead, choose positive input. Turn to your own inner wisdom and to the Spiritual and Scientific leaders whose life work is devoted to empowering people.

This is a great time to learn about what you are capable of!

If you need some inspiration, here are a few of my favourites – Dr.Joe Dispenza, Bruce Lipton, Deepak Chopra, Wayne Dyer.

2) Move your body to balance your energy.

Moving your body processes energy and helps you to get back into a state of homeostasis. 

This will help calm your mind and transmute anxiety, feelings of heaviness/ lethargy or pent up e-motions (energy in motion) that need a release valve! 

If you can go for a run, out in nature this is a really great way to disperse energy and get grounded.

If you are unable to go outside, commit to a regular at-home practice, such as taking up yoga, pilates, a home-workout, etc. (There are lots of videos on Youtube!)

You’ll feel great afterwards with all those endorphins pumping – which also boost your immune system! 

3) Spiritual Practice

This is a great time to either start a Spiritual Practice or deepen an already existing practice you have. Here I would recommend Meditation.

Having a spiritual practice tunes you into the Inner Peace of your Soul.

This reminds you that you are not only a physical body, but instead an eternal being. 

It allows you to let go of the stories & drama and to come home to the peace & truth of your Soul.

Meditation is an ideal tool to get centred and clear!

You can find many Free short meditations on my youtube channel here.💕

” You are so loved and so supported always! “ – Yeremaia

Want to take your journey with the Angels to the next level? Book a one-on-one with me or dive into the Spiritual Evolution Membership completely free for 30 days!

With so much Love,