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😨 3 Tips to overcome Self-doubt fast!

Hello beautiful Soul,

This week one of my lovely Instagram Followers asked me for some advice on how to overcome self-doubt.

I felt this was a question that relates to almost everyone at one point or another and it is so useful to know your patterns, to avoid falling into the self-doubt trap.

When Self-doubt takes over, it can be crippling to our sense of self-confidence and can even determine the kinds of choices that we make in life.

Today I wanted to share with you 3 tips to stop the self-doubt story in it’s tracks!

Tip 1 – Pay attention to when self-doubt gets triggered within you.

Is it contextual? Around certain people? In particular scenarios?

For example, you could feel perfectly confident in your work, yet you could have self-doubt triggered when it comes to your love life.

Or perhaps your self-esteem drops and doubt comes in, when you are around people who are very certain of themselves.

Take note of what triggers the self-doubt within you. This gives you helpful information to be able to predict your patterns and nip self-doubt in the bud before it gets the chance to creep in!

Tip 2 – What’s the Self-doubt story?

Self-doubt ALWAYS comes with a story.

Bring your attention to your thoughts and become aware of what story you’re telling yourself. Here you’ll find the limiting beliefs that are running this pattern.

Some of the most common limiting beliefs linked to self-doubt are “I’m not good enough”, “I’m unworthy”, “I’m unlovable”.

The narrative in your mind might sound like one of the above, or perhaps it’s something else.

Once you bring your attention to the narrative that surrounds the self-doubt, it takes away the power from the pattern. As you’re now shining the light of your awareness onto it, meaning it’s no longer running in the background with you unaware, playing into its story and feelings.

Which bring us to ….

Tip 3 – Dissolve it!

Now that you’re aware of your self-doubt story, you’ve taken your power back and have “chosen differently”. Instead of allowing the self-doubt pattern take you, you’ve chose to “take it down baby”.

A simple way to do this, is to address the self-doubt story and ask yourself these 4 powerful questions:

1) Is it True
2) Can you absolutely know it’s true?
3) How do you react when you believe that thought?
4) Who would you be without that thought?

These questions may seem simple, yet they hold the power the dissolve that feeling of self-doubt in the moment. These originate from “The Work” of Byron Katie.

Enjoy the process and I invite you to take the 10 mins to do this practice, as I’m sure it will bring you a sense of empowerment.


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Sending love and blessings your way,