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The 3 Main Tips to Manifesting Fast 💫

Hello beautiful soul,

Today I’m going to share with you the 3 main tips to manifesting fast!

1. The first key ingredient to Manifesting is to be tuned in to The Universe.

When we’re tuned into The Universe, this is the source of creation, we are in a state of love and are in the ‘receptive mode’, we’re also synched up with “the Divine flow” and we end up being guided to be “in the right place at the right time”.

Now we are in co-creation and collaboration. The Universe is a consciousness that is aware of you at all times, but it takes turning YOUR awareness to IT, which allows the magic to happen.

2. The second key to Manifesting is that of aligning your thoughts to your outcome.

The next thing to become aware of your thoughts. Your subconscious mind is programmed by age 7, meaning you pick up what is modelled to you, by your parents, caretakers, teacher, peers, etc.

So if you were surrounded by the belief of “It’s a struggle to make money” or “money doesn’t grow on trees”, then these are going to be blocks to your wealth.

Our subconscious mind is running the show 80% of the time, so if you have limiting beliefs like those, they’re going to be putting on the breaks to your financial success.  Next, you must become aware of your subconscious blocks and clear them.

3. Handing it over to The Universe and having Faith & Trust.

The last step is to let go of your manifestation and to give it up to The Intelligence of The Universe to orchestrate.

If you’re holding on with tight fists to your manifestation, then you’re trying to control and “make things happen” which come from a place of fear. This also means you are not “in the receptive mode” and out of alignment with the Divine Flow, so it just can’t come in.

So give it up and have faith that it will be Divinely synchronised in the best way for you.


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Sending love and blessings your way,