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💫 11:11 - How to ask The Universe for a sign ✨

Hello beautiful soul,

Have you ever had the thought “If only I could have a sign“?

Perhaps you were confused about which choice to make, working really hard at something yet it was taking a long time to manifest or just wondering, am I doing the right thing?

Well….today I’d like to share with you a story that demonstrates that yes you can have a sign and just how powerful asking for a sign can be…

There was a time when The Universe was teaching me the important process of surrender and letting go. I had fallen into the habitual way of feeling, like many of us do, that I had to work hard in order to achieve and that I had to do all the work myself, otherwise it wouldn’t get done.

I was guided to surrender, to surrender the struggle, to surrender my Intention and hand it all over to the intelligence of The Universe. 

I did this “handing it over practice” in a meditation, at the end I asked The Universe to show me a sign that I was truly taken care of and that my Purpose was unfolding in the highest & best way. 

The sign I asked for was to see lilies within 24h. To me lilies represent peace and ultimately that was what I was searching for.

I went out for the day and once I got home, I jumped onto my social media inbox to respond to messages.

I came across one message which had no text and was just an image … and from nowhere someone had sent me a photo of ….you guessed it…. beautiful white lilies

I was blown away and totally stunned, even though I work with The Universe on a daily basis, the way is which confirmation & communication comes through never ceases to amaze me.

The Universe had worked through that person to deliver my sign directly to my inbox, 5 hours after asking for confirmation! 

Although this is a simple example, there is no denying the Divine orchestration of this message. 

When I saw it, my heart was touched by the support and love The Universe had shown me.

The Universe is always listening to us

It is actually us that get in the way of the magic and forget we are a part of this Divine awareness.

Here is a simple example of a prayer that you can do to communicate with The Universe and invite a sign into your life.

Get comfy, take a few deep breaths in and center yourself.

Then you can say outloud or in your mind:

“Dear Universe, I ask you for a sign of confirmation that I am on the right path with ……….., The Sign I ask for is ……………., and to receive this sign within …….. hours / days / weeks. Thank you.”

…. and then let it go, imagine that your prayer is a beautiful balloon of energy that you let go of and it floats off into The Universe.

Don’t actively go out looking for your sign, but instead allow it come to you.

Equally, if you don’t see your sign, that’s a sign too! 

Allow yourself to have fun with it & enjoy speaking with The Universe.

Want to take your journey with the Angels to the next level? Book a one-on-one with me or dive into the Spiritual Evolution Membership completely free for 30 days!

Love always,